Thursday, October 17, 2013

Spirit Catholic Radio Staff Bible Study

One of my favorite things about working at Spirit Catholic Radio is how prayer is incorporated into our work week. We come together as a staff several times a week to pray because it unites us in Christ and helps combat the devil’s desire to stop us from spreading God’s word.

We pray together for about 20 minutes in the chapel on Tuesdays and before most meetings. We also have Mass on Fridays over the lunch hour.

In July, we began doing a Bible study as a staff.  Led by Sue and Doug Barrett – Doug is a station board member and both are volunteers here – we meet Wednesdays over the lunch hour to do the Seeking Truth Bible Study. Through this 22-week study, we’re learning about the synoptic Gospels – Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. At each session, we go over the homework questions, which are done on personal time, and watch a video presentation by Sharon Doran, who leads the study in Omaha.

Station manager Jim Carroll said he decided to offer the study this year because it is the Year of Faith and there are several new employees at the radio station.

“We were looking at what we wanted to do with our programs, particularly our morning show, in terms of informing, inspiring and inviting people in their relationship with Jesus Christ … and I said, ‘Wow! What a perfect opportunity for us as a staff. We’re at different places, we all have different backgrounds, we all have different relationships with Jesus and here’s a shared, common thing we can do as a staff that is only going to help solidify the unity that the church requires us to have.’”

By coming together as a staff and sharing the word of God with each other every week, hopefully it will help us when we run into difficulties in the office, Carroll said.

Ann Eatherton, coordinator of outreach and volunteers for the station, said she enjoys the prayerful environment as well.

“We are members of the same Catholic faith, and each day, all that we set out to accomplish is linked to proclaiming that same Good News to others,” she said. “It is through the grace of God that this radio apostolate exists. Therefore, for our faith to serve as an extension to others, we must be people of prayer and seek to know God’s Word.”

“Surrounded by the presence of Jesus, I experience a true peace within the chapel walls, as our shared prayer gives witness to our own vulnerability and humility before God. This expression of shared prayer unites us as a staff and joins our wills to accomplish all that God may be asking of us.”

I couldn’t agree more, Ann. 

 Blogged by Lisa Maxson, Senior Writer/Reporter

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